Takeout Vs. Home Cook A Couple Swaps Diets for 1 Week

  • last year
Takeout Vs Home Cook A Couple Swaps Diets for 1 Week
In this video, we're swapping diets for a week and seeing which is better- takeaway or home cooking!

Takeout seems to be the popular choice these days, but is it the best? In this video, we're comparing takeaway vs home cooking for a week and seeing which is better- in terms of nutrition, convenience, and taste!
Takeout Vs Home Cook A Couple Swaps Diets for 1 Week. In this video, two couples swap diets for a week, with surprising results. Watch as they go from restaurant food all week to home cooked meals the entire week. Will the home cooked meals taste better than the takeout?Takeout Vs Home Cook A Couple Swaps Diets for 1Week
